Monday, August 5, 2013

Sunday - a day of REST??

Ahhh the weekend, over so quickly.  It always seems to go by in a whirlwind.  Kind of like the kids growing up.  So Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest.  Do you get to rest on Sunday?  Is there ever really a day of rest when you have a household to run, kids involved in activities, laundry stacked to the ceiling - or in our case the sock bucket that runneth over?

Oftentimes I find Sunday is the catch up day and/or the plan and prep day.  Sometimes it is both.  Lately I've been trying to find more time during the week to deal with "Sock Mountain" so Sunday can really be a rest day and a plan and prep day.  I find if I have time to plan and prep for the week on Sunday, things go so much more smoothly during the week - sock mountain becomes sock hill.  We avoid the "oh my gosh what's for dinner - are you cooking or am I?  Who has to be where when??  Oh let's just go out to eat......."  Not only is that tough on the budget, but it is tough on the waistline.

Yesterday really was a plan and prep day - no catching up this week.  I made my meal plan for the week which in turn helps with the grocery list which in turn cuts down on time at the grocery (not to mention the cost and the random items that show up in my cart when there isn't a list) which ultimately leaves more time to prep for the week once I get home from the grocery.  I love going to the grocery - really I do.  I find it very relaxing for some reason.  I guess I would consider my grocery time rest time.  My mom and grandmother were the same way.... maybe it is hereditary.  What I don't really enjoy is the prep work after I get home.  I always love the end result but hate it while I'm doing it - funny, sometimes I feel the same way about working out.  I spent about 3 hours from start (putting away the groceries) to finish (loading the dishwasher) which seems like a lot of time to spend in the kitchen on a Sunday afternoon when there isn't a turkey or ham involved.  The end result was worth it though.  My lunches and snacks were done for the week, one dinner was ready to go for the next night and two side dishes were made.  As with anything, I know the more I do this the more it becomes a habit, the better I will get and the less time it will take.  Then maybe Sunday will really be a day of rest!
Corn/Bean Salad & Fruit Salad

Some of the fruits (and vegetables) of my labor:
Recipes will be up soon in a separate post.

Meatless Mediterranean Pasta with Zucchini

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