Sunday, August 18, 2013

Punt, Pass, Kick, Cake, Pancakes, and Paper Pants

This has been a whirlwind week.  We had a birthday, 2 football fundraisers, a kid decide he wanted to play soccer after all, and a minor procedure.  We'll start with the birthday...  Benjamin turned 15 this week, hard to believe that in less than 365 days we will have a teenage driver on our hands.  Actually we will have TWO teenage drivers on our hands as Josh will be 16 in 10 short months.

We celebrated Benjamin's birthday with some cake, some of the neighbor boys, and of course no birthday is complete without making everyone do birthday pushups.  What?  You mean you haven't heard of that?

Birthday Pushups

Even though we are trying to get fit and eat healthy, we still have to enjoy life too!  Cake is one of my weaknesses.  I love cake, especially with buttercream icing!  The cake was great but I am glad it is gone.

 So if the cake wasn't enough, we also had a pancake breakfast fundraiser to attend for the Woodlawn Colts football team.  I was hopeful they would have some fruit or some yogurt or something healthy there but just to be safe I drank my peanut butter banana Shakeology before I left.  Good thing I did, the only "fruit" to be found were cans of orange juice.  I had some coffee and let the boys enjoy the pancakes.
Pancake Breakfast
      Do you ever find things work out that way?  You are trying to eat healthy, work on fitness, and maybe lose weight and you get bombarded with two of things you love most in the same week??  Oh, did I forget to mention I also love pancakes?  That's not to say you can't have both cake and pancakes if you really want to - maybe do an extra workout on those days or make really healthy choices in your food for the other meals.  I just know for me that sometimes when I have several indulgences like that in a row, I have a tendency to want to continue that pattern long after I should.  So this time I chose to have cake but not the pancakes.  I saw a great recipe online for "healthy" pancakes.  I will be putting those on my list for the near future!  
After the breakfast we went to the second fundraiser of the day - the Punt Pass and Kick.  I don't know if you are familiar with these but the kids all line up and get a shot at punting, passing, and kicking the football.  The total yards the football travels for each is added up and then people can either sponsor by the yard or just give a flat donation.  It was a lot of fun, a great sunny day for it and the field was right next to the farmers market.  So, we walked over and picked up some fresh vegetables for dinner.  This trip reminded me of a recipe I had been wanting to try - zucchini fritters.  I made them tonight and they turned out great if I do say so myself.  I will be posting that recipe for you later this week.

So now we have one playing football and one playing soccer.  He originally decided he wanted to just focus on wrestling this year but I think he missed playing soccer, especially after he went to one of the scrimmages and had to sit on the sidelines while all his buddies were on the field.  Now that is some positive peer pressure right there.  The third is still hanging in there with the T25 and waiting for wrestling season to start.  I have a feeling we are about to get really busy!

The last and final bit of excitement I will share from the week has to do with a minor "procedure" I had to have done.  The only reason I am even talking about this is to hopefully make those of you that may have to experience this one day feel a little better.  I will make this quick, I learned two things from this procedure.  1) I will most likely NOT be a good patient if I ever have to be confined to a hospital bed for any extended period of time.  Just ask my husband - the whining alone was enough to drive him mad.  I'm sorry, but it was cold in there!  This brings me to #2) I don't care who you are - Angelina Jolie, Michael Phelps, Heidi Klum, Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson - no one, and I mean NOBODY can possibly be self confident in a pair of paper hospital pants!!  Oh the shock on my face when they brought those things in to me..... "What do you mean I need to put these on..... are you sure about that..... can you go double check....."  I feel like I would have been a much better patient had I been prepared ahead of time for exactly what would transpire.  So now you know, no matter how minor a procedure you think you are having done - you may have to suffer the paper pants!  And maybe in the back of your mind you will remember this post and chuckle to yourself thinking.... yes, she told me so.   

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