Sunday, September 1, 2013

Happy, Healthy, Labor Day

Do you have big plans for the Labor Day holiday?  A cookout, a ballgame, a family get together - or maybe all of the above?  What are your plans for staying on track and eating healthy over the Labor Day holiday? Or is your plan to just let loose - it's a holiday after all!

It is so easy to just let go, not plan, eat whatever you want, sleep in, or skip your workout when you have a long holiday weekend.  Usually though, when I do any or all of the above I feel pretty bad after.  Both physically and mentally.  So what are some things you can do to make sure you are sticking to your health and fitness plan when surrounded by all the temptations of that end of summer last hurrah?  Below is a list of ideas to help you stay strong during the holiday festivities.

1) Eat something light before you go and drink lots of water.  Don't save up all day in preparation for the event.  Most likely you will end up so hungry that you could overdo it to the point of making yourself sick.

2) Be picky about what you eat.  Choose the foods that fit in most closely with your health goals, and pick one item for a splurge.

3) Avoid hanging out near the food table and be prepared for social pressures.  Learn the art of saying "No thank you, I'm full."

4) Sneak in physical activity when you can.  Take a soccer ball, football, or frisbee and start a game with the kids or the adults - or both!

5) Remember alcohol increases appetite and contributes empty calories.

6) Bring a healthful dish to share.  Try the turkey meatballs or corn and bean salad.

7) Stay positive if you have a setback and remember that tomorrow is a new day.  Get back to your normal eating and exercise patterns quickly.

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