At the beginning of the year I made a "to do" list for 2013. I called it "52 To Do's for 2013". I thought I would try something a little different than making New Year's resolutions. I figured there are 52 weeks in a year and I should be able to accomplish 52 things by the end of the year. Some things are big and might take more than a week to accomplish, some are small and might only take an afternoon. Let me tell you, coming up with those 52 items was a lot harder than I expected. As a matter of fact, I still don't have 52 things to do yet. Anyway, it has been a long time since I cracked open that list so I thought I would look over it since we are in the last quarter of the year. I better check those things off that I completed, and see what I still have left to do.
Here is my list - it is only 21 I said, 52 things is hard to come up with.
1) Complete a full round of Chalean Extreme
I tried last year to do a full round of Chalean Extreme, but never actually finished it. I wanted to be sure this year I would actually do it, and do the whole thing. I joined a Beachbody Challenge group in January and that accountability made all the difference. Not only did I finish 1 round of the program, I actually did it twice! I spent the summer trying out a few other workout programs including Brazil Butt Lift and Turbo Fire, but when August rolled around and school started up again I couldn't resist trying the Focus T25 program (see my review and results from phase 1 here). I wanted to see if only 25 minutes a day could get results. I signed up as a Beachbody coach to keep me accountable and I am getting ready to start week 9 of 10. So before the end of 2013 I will actually have completed 3 rounds of workout programs. I think this is one thing I can definitely mark as successful on my list!
2) Make a wedding photo album
Well, this is still a work in progress. We got married in 2010 and never really did anything with our wedding picture CDs. At least now I have gone through the pictures and printed out most of the ones I want to use and I have the front of the album done. I still have time to get this done. I was planning to ask my mom for some help with this too. I think it is ok to incorporate help to get your list done....
3) Make a Christmas gift for my mother in law
4) Make a Christmas gift for my sister in law
5) Make a Christmas gift for my other sister in law
4-6 are also in progress, I had to get some help from my mom with these too. I won't post a picture because I am pretty sure my in laws read the blog from time to time!
6) Run a 5K
I remembered this was on my list about a month ago and figured I better hop to it. It has been years since I have run so I joined the training group they offered in conjunction with this program. I am so glad I did because I really don't think I would be doing very well without it. I have also really enjoyed getting to know all the ladies and gentlemen that are training with me. I am the type of person that does much better if running includes some type of social interaction. It takes my mind off the terrible burning in my chest and legs!
7) Organize my bathroom cabinet - done earlier this year, could probably be done again. This is one of those to do's that I knew wouldn't take much time but that I figured I would never get around to it if it wasn't on the list.
8) Attend my 20 year college reunion
This is coming the first weekend of November. I can't believe it has been 20 years. That sounds like a really long time ago and seriously, I don't feel that old!
9) Try 1 new recipe per month
This has been another item I would consider a success. Even though I only started blogging and sharing some of the recipes I have been making a few months ago, I have been trying at least 1 or more new recipes each month. I need to go back and add them all to the blog. Maybe that will be item #22 I can add to the list.
10) Ride stationary bike once per month - umm no comment, I actually forgot this was even on the list.....
11) Learn how to use the grill - Still a work in progress. I have become grill shy since I singed all the hair off my right arm the last time I tried to learn to use it.....
12) Make my grandfather's english muffin recipe - I actually forgot this one was on the list too. Definitely want to get this done before the end of the year though. I have some great memories of those english muffins.

This will have to wait until closer to the holidays. One of my favorite traditions. We have been picking an Angel Tree Child since Benjamin was old enough to understand and pick out the child he wanted to help. I have taken Josh and Jacob to do this recently as well. I think understanding the importance of giving rather than just receiving is a good lesson for us all.
14) Bless one person per month - I started out with specific ideas in mind for this and tried to make sure I found ways to bless someone. I haven't been doing as well on this lately and just hope that I am able to bless someone in some way each month without consciously thinking about it.
15) Lose 10 pounds - I am happy to report I have lost 15 pounds thanks to the workout programs I have been doing. Also thanks to taking the time to actually plan meals out for the week and making an effort to eat healthier every day. I would like to lose another 10 pounds, but maybe that can be added to my 2014 list. Right now I am focused on maintaining that weight loss especially through the tough upcoming holiday season.
16) Pray weekly to be a better mother and stepmother
17) Read one book from the nightstand - done, actually got two done.
18) Read a book on raising boys - this one I haven't gotten to yet. I better get on it though because these boys are growing up way too fast. It might help with my concerns from #16 too.
19) Reorganize the garage to make space for our new freezer - this actually was done by my husband and the boys. I didn't have to do a thing! Nice to mark this off - I'll consider it a freebie.
20) Connect with friends once per month - I feel I have been pretty successful with this. I may not always get to see them in person, but a phone call or an email just to check in and see how they are doing always lifts my spirits.
21) Date night with my husband once per month - oh goodness. Where to begin, I feel like I have pretty much failed miserably at this one. We do rent a movie on occasion that just the two of us watch. But, most of our "date time" involves the boys' activities. We do a lot more together as a family than we do just as a couple. Nothing wrong with family time, but we should probably spend some more couple time too. We did take a short vacation together this summer to Montreal. We had a great time. We spent a few days alone and a few days with our good friends (and some good food!)
So, 2013 to do list is coming along. I really enjoyed going back through the items and checking my progress. It gives me an idea of how far I have come and what I still have left to do. I think I will keep this up and maybe try and get closer to 52 actual items next year!
What have you accomplished this year so far? What do you still have left to do?
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