Friday, November 1, 2013

October Recap

Wow, October was a whirlwind!  We had 5 birthdays (yes 5!), the end of 2 sports seasons and the beginning of one, games, a party, a play, and a fundraiser!  Busy would be an understatement. 

Let's start with the birthdays.... Jp turned 20 which just seems crazy to me.  We don't get to see him as much as we would like so it was great to have him home (I assume it was the lure of dinner and cake that got him there).  We grilled out and had a good time together as a family. Unfortunately, one of the things that happens when you move out of the house is that you may not get a fresh cake.... Sorry JP, leftover soccer banquet cake was on the menu this time.  In our defense, it was made by our favorite cake lady and was almost an entire cake!

We also celebrated my sister's birthday,
my brother's birthday,

 and my mom's birthday in October. 
Talk about a rough month on the waistline!  The good thing about it all was they were spread out enough that we were able to fit in the extra cakes and eating out to our weekly "cheat meals".  That and a steady stream of T25 Gamma and 5K training allowed me to come out of the month weighing less than when I went in.

 Oh, and I got my FREE t-shirt for completing T25 too! I have moved on to Pure Gamma, a review will be coming soon for that.

We finished up the soccer and football seasons with the last few games and a banquet for each.  Both Josh and Jacob had great seasons.  Josh scored several goals this season and Jacob ended up the year as a kicker and made most of his extra point kicks! 

In the middle of all this, wrestling season started.  The boys had to finish up their current sport season but as soon as that was over they were out on the mat for the start of the wrestling season.  This will last until the middle of February.  Never a dull moment!  As part of any sport, fundraising is a necessity in order for the kids to be able to make it to tournaments, have the gear they need, and pay for entry fees among other things.  In order to make that possible, we participated in a "clean up" fundraiser at Keeneland Race Track. 
We found out after the fact that it was the highest attended day in the course's history. 
Talk about some messy people!!

The final weekend of Aladdin Jr. was also performed in October.  This was a great show and the kids really enjoyed themselves.  Almost every show was sold out!  We will have a little break until the plays start up again with Sweeney Todd in February and Shrek in March.

Last but not least, I finished the 5K training program and completed the PTA 5K.  I actually ran the whole thing which was my goal.  Rick did it too, but he runs like its his job, and he came in 3rd in his age group!  He likes to wear his medal around the house.....

How was your October?

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